
The EOD Model Offers 3 Key Benefits to Course Dewvelopers

  • Future Proof
  • Technology Independent
  • Unbiased

It’s Future Proof

The rate at which technologies of instruction are changing boggles the mind of even the most tech-savvy course designer!

While we all would like to include technologies in our courses that improve upon existing ones, we’re often daunted by the need to “repurpose” our courses to take advantage of them. The EOD model allows you to develop instruction so that it can be easily revised to take advantage of advancements in technology.

While no technology is future proof, the EOD model allows you to create a design for your course that is. It does this by asking you to design your course in terms of a course framework that consists of micro-level instructional events that are enabled by one or more technologies. Every course designed under the EOD model is conceptualized in terms of instructional events and a technology mix. Once designed, your course can take advantage of newer technologies that better enable the instructional events you want to see occurring in your course.

It’s Technology Independent

Break out of the box of technology-centered thinking!

Good designers know that technologies should not drive the design of their courses. But too often we find ourselves slaves to the latest hot medium for instruction.

The EOD model allows you to create a course framework that exists outside of any one technology paradigm – one that is technology independent. You can take advantage of the vast array of available technologies that best meet the learning outcomes and performance requirements of your course, rather than adjusting the learning outcomes and performance requirements to any one technology.

It’s Unbiased

All instructional design models are purposefully grounded in one or more theories of instruction. However, instructional theories often take too much precedence over practical concerns of course outcomes, convenience, and fit with an organization. In this way, they tend to be pedagogically focused rather than needs focused.

The EOD model was purposefully designed to allow you to use a systematic model for course development regardless of your own personal philosophy of what makes good instruction. Designers creating case-based or extended problem-based instruction will feel just as comfortable using the EOD model as those designing instruction in more traditional formats.