About the Workshop
You can learn more about the EOD model by attending the two day workshop “Distributed Course Design” presented by the author of the model, Thomas Welsh, Ph.D. This workshop is designed for working instructional designers, course developers, teachers, and faculty development staff who want practical guidelines for developing technology-enabled courses that work.
Workshop Outcomes
You’ll walk away from the “Distributed Course Design” workshop with the ability to do the following:
- Use the systematic, 5 step EOD model to design distributed courses that meet the needs of your organization.
- Recreate instructional strategies and other course events that occur in traditional instructional using various technologies.
- Define a “technology mix” for your distributed course that makes sense.
- Use the EOD model to design courses that use a single technology, as well as blended learning solutions that incorporate the use of two or more technologies in their delivery.
- Describe the course development tools and strategies that can help you create courses that are easily revised and that can serve as templates for additional course development efforts.
More Information
Contact Tom Welsh for more information. Special group and non-profit rates are available.